Bizarre Edible Plants - Unknown Delicasies:
From the good folks at Straight Books:
“Botanical Explorer” Joseph Simcox travels around the world looking for rare edible wild plants. Search the vast literature collection for information on plants that were once eaten by humans but have been forgotten and plants that can only be eaten in a limited area. A man who can be called a plant folklore. BIZARRE EDIBLE PLANTS -UNKNOWN DELICACIES- is his collective book that digs up the potential of buried plants for life. Introducing all edible plants from fruits, leaves, tubers and parasitic plants. The exploration by Joseph and his team has been conducted over 400 times in over 100 countries, and has so far sampled thousands of edible wild plants and collected seeds. The extremely rare collection is grown and used in botanical gardens and seed nurseries around the world. In addition to edible plants, it is also known to have contributed to the spread of rare succulent plants. It is a person who has been involved with.
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