Compost Shirt #11:
Our friend Cass Marketos is an artist and writer who occupies the intersection between creative practice and decomposition. Cass has composted everything from food, parts of her body, to her memories, and even pieces of the Berlin Wall. We recently invited Cass to make a limited run of shirts using her experiments into turning discarded clothes into soil, and the results have been stunning! There are only 12 of them, as the majority of these tees get decimated by zealous microbes beyond all recognition!
Big shout out to our friends at Everybody.World for their hyper-local supply chain, plastic-free cotton, and utilization of very low-impact dyes. Their shirts, unlike others Cass experimented with maintained their structural integrity in the pile, even as microbes modified colors and textures!
NOTE: Please inspect the photos. The compost process may have eaten away at the fabric in places leaving holes and some weak spots, so please be aware that the shirts should handled, worn and washed with care!
50% of proceeds from this tee go to the food justice non profit Seeds of Hope.
Best quality, ethically made and 100% silkscreened in Los Angeles, US