Find Nonhuman Teachers (3-Part) Bumper Sticker:

  • Find Nonhuman Teachers (3-Part) Bumper Sticker
  • Find Nonhuman Teachers (3-Part) Bumper Sticker
  • Find Nonhuman Teachers (3-Part) Bumper Sticker

The phrase Find Nonhuman Teachers comes from a note that a friend of ours, a researcher from Harvard, found in the late ecologist, Peter Warshall's, lecture notes after he died. A list of loosely connected thoughts: 

Backyard biodiversity
Start anywhere
Learn about power
THC insect repellent
Animal soul
*FInd Nonhuman Teachers*

We hope that Peter doesn’t mind us borrowing it.

Note: This is three individual bumper stickers you can arrange as you see fit. 

Made in the USA

Regular price $17.00
This item is made to order, and may take up to the 30 days to ship.
