Society for the Appreciation of HD Plants Hat:

  • Society for the Appreciation of HD Plants Hat

Rarity is as common as potatoes. In fact, it is believed that of the 435,000 plant species on Earth, there are more rare species than common ones. We don’t have an exact fraction for this, but we know that a whopping 36% of all plants are in the “exceedingly rare” category. Case in point, even Bolivian endemic potatoes, although once abundant, are today in decline. Of course, we love the rare stuff, it’s what makes this big blue marble biodiverse, but does scarcity necessarily confer value?

Malcolm Wilkins, president of S.A.H.D.P.  has a refreshing take on this question. “The scarcer a thing is, the more humans want to own it, but plants aren’t Pokemon cards; they’re beings. Our guild celebrates plant abundance, not plant rarity.”  Well said! Malcolm, we made this one for you, because green thumbs come in every shade, including 5 gallon bucket orange.

Regular price $45.00


5 panel cap in bucket orange with green stitching. 100% cotton. Adjustable plastic snap closure. Silkscreen printed graphic One size fits most.
