Lynn Margulis T-Shirt:
Contrarian, and at times, downright controversial, Lynn Margulis was an American biologist who studied the significance of symbiosis in evolution. She believed that novel adaptations are more the result of inter-species mergers than that of random mutation through sexual reproduction (symbiogenesis), a clear assault on heteronormative neo-Darwinist ideas. Famously, she proposed that cell organelles were once independent bacterium, that eventually formed permanent symbiotic relationships (endosymbiosis theory), and that our planet itself is a single self-regulating living system made of beings and their environments (Gaia hypothesis).
Though Margulis had the reputation of being a heretic, questioning an evolutionary story that everyone had grown accustomed to, her endosymbiotic theory is now widely accepted, and the implications of her work continues to ripple-effect.
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