Magnet Fishing:
Magnet fishing involves the recreational retrieval of metallic objects, usually garbage or evidence of crimes, that have been discarded into urban waterways and dredged up using high-powered magnets connected to some rope. It is also the namesake for this zine which brings together crowd-sourced contributors who answered Craigslist ads and tear-off flyers that were conspicuously placed across NYC to magnetically attract folks in the city who enjoy splashing around in the brackish between art and ecological thinking. A scheme conceived of by our friend, Seth Allen, who made the flyers, wrangled the contributors and assembled the pieces with help from the wonderful folks at 8-Ball. You’ll notice throughout these pages pics of peeps engaging in actual magnet fishing; as in the making of this zine, its contributors found themselves wading elbows deep in this giardia-infested hobby alongside Staten Island locals whom Seth met on Craigslist.
This weird little book is brought to you by NONHUMAN TEACHERS 501(c)(3). Proceeds will go toward the making of other weird little books.