Northern Jaguar Project Long Sleeve (White):
50% of proceeds go to support the mission of the NJP!
Peter Warshall, together with his wife, the historian Diana Hadley, helped found the Northern Jaguar Project, a 56,000-acre reserve in the US-Mexico borderlands protecting the critical habitat of the northern jaguar and other threatened flora and fauna.
The U.S.-Mexico border wall is an impenetrable barrier for wildlife. Accompanying infrastructure, roads, and high-powered lighting further wreak havoc and damage fragile ecosystems. Although some pockets remain, critical jaguar corridors have been cut off by border wall construction. Habitat connectivity is essential for jaguar survival and recovery. NJP's 56,000-acre reserve is a priority area for conservation and essential to jaguar survival and recovery in its northern range. It also provides an umbrella of protection to bald eagles, military macaws, Neotropical river otters, mountain lions, ocelots, badgers, and numerous other threatened species of mammals, birds, invertebrates, plants, and herpetofauna.
Best quality, ethically made and 100% silkscreened in Los Angeles, US