Science Fair 1: Cycad Reproduction (Black):
Cycad biologist, Irene Terry, coined the term “hot stinky sex” to describe the manipulative mating dance that is unique to these Jurassic gymnosperms (and when we say Jurassic we mean it--Cycads predate dinosaurs and are still found all over the world). It begins when a horny male cycad seduces its sex-slave pollinators by wafting a redolent musk from its pollen-engorged cone. Unable to resist, the tantalized bugs follow this sexual miasma into the sprung cone where they get utterly laminated in cycad pollen. Once the male cone is sufficiently loaded with pollen-glazed bugs, it rapidly heats up to insect-charring temps and emits a foul stench, causing the bugs to get the hell out of there! Meanwhile, a nearby female cone releases her perfumed effluvium to lure these confused pollinators into the fragrant inner sanctum of her gigantic reproductive organ where they deposit the male pollen and… voila! A seed is born!
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