The Specimen Monthly T-Shirt:
GET THIS SHIRT FOR FREE when you become a Founding Member of The Specimen Monthly!
This shirt commemorates a year of writing the The Specimen Monthly, our very own weirdo ecology newsletter, a place where we tell stories about the complicated relationships between the strange and beautiful plants, humans, rocks, insects, fungi, microbes, etc that have been haunting our dreams. We hope they will haunt yours too.
Subscribing to the The Specimen Monthly will always be free, but if you have the means please consider supporting:
• $5 a month gets a you a free bumper sticker, bonus content, archive access & an audio version of each issue.
• $115 a year gets you THIS T-SHIRT, bonus content, archive access & an audio version of each issue. This T-Shirt is a $54 value, so that's still just $5 a month !
(enter your email address and click subscribe to see support levels)
WHY SUBSCRIBE? By supporting the worm-sucking goblins who churn out its soil-soaked content you will help TSM evolve into something even more grotesque, with more and longer articles and new additions (...a podcast *cough* *cough*).
Our goal of the TSM is to help to broker more conscious and embodied relationships between you our reader, and the natural world. Replace existential dread with co-existential joy!
WHY SUBSTACK? Substack is a place where some of our fave writers and thinkers publish their own work, supported by the people that matter… their readers.