Whitesloanea crassa:
This succulent member of the milkweed family from Somalia is famously shrouded in mystery. Only discovered in the wild 3 times, last in 1986, it’s said that this species is either extinct or carefully guarded by the local tribesmen. Once said to be a relative of the similarly cryptic Pseudolithos, this monotypic genus is now aligned with Duvalia and Huernia. Rarely offered, especially at this size and on its own roots.
Water: Water regularly in the spring/summer growing season.
Sun Exposure: Full Sun to part shade. Southern or bright western facing windows.
Soil: Stone Eaters Soil - or Mineral soil mix only!
Temperature: Keep above 60°F.
Fertilize: During the Spring - Summer growing season, with Super Kabuto Fertilizer.
Plants ship bare root, pot/soil not included